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These tables give the position of the planets and houses.

The first column gives the name of the planet, the second give the sign it is in, and the third is the amount of degrees in that sign. If there is an "R" after the degrees, then the planet is retrograd, which means that its apparent movement is opposite the general direction of the planets.

The next three columns give the positions of the houses in the sign in the same manner as the planets. These positions depend on the time and place of birth and are always based on the Ascendant (also called Rising Sign). If the time of birth is not know, then the program uses 12 noon for time and does not calculate the houses.
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Andrea Nicole Williams Sex F
Charlotte, NC, United States 29/04/1970 21:36 - Julian day 2440706.57
Timezone 4.00w ST 10.43 Lat 35.13n Long 80.50w

Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0
SunTaurus 9.18 AscendantScorpio28.17
MoonAquarius26.59 IISagittarius28.58
MercuryTaurus22.22 R IIIAquarius 3.40
VenusGemini 2.42 IVPisces 9.10
MarsGemini 7.43 VAries10.37
JupiterScorpio 0.01 R VITaurus 6.29
SaturnTaurus11.45 VIITaurus28.17
UranusLibra 5.25 R VIIIGemini28.58
NeptuneSagittarius 0.04 R IXLeo 3.40
PlutoVirgo25.01 R MidheavenVirgo 9.10
LilithLeo15.55 XILibra10.37
Asc nodePisces10.20 XIIScorpio 6.29

The following interpretions are based on each element of the chart. Most often they are in contradiction, as many of these signs and aspects conflict with each other - the human personality is complex.
The number in front of each aspect is a computer calculated estimation of its value taking into account the two planets, the type of aspect and the orb.

Birth Chart

This birth chart shows the positions of the planets of Andrea Nicole Williams

The planets in the signs

The position of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac has an influence on the character of the individual and these influences form a large part of the individual psyche.

Sun in Taurus

She is strong-willed and conceited. She has charm, and is tolerant and stoical. She likes pleasure and the good things of Life. Appreciates the Arts.

Weaknesses: obstinacy, laziness. She is too materialistic, and is a snob. She is greedy and proud.

Moon in Aquarius

She is sociable, intelligent and lucid. Thanks to great sociability, she has many friends. She is modern, original, inventive, non-conformist and brings new life.

Weaknesses: she is eccentric, with sharp mood swings. Complex love life.

Mercury in Taurus

She is faithful to her ideas, unchangeable and opinionated, persistent, but discreet. Likes all the pleasures Life can offer. She is sometimes naive.

Weaknesses: stubborn, obstinate, withdrawn. Slow to react.

Venus in Gemini

"Gift of the gab", always finds the right expression. A good talker, refined, with a love of the Arts. Two-sided in emotional affairs, flirtatious. Superficial emotions. Countless and inconstant love affairs. Likes to play love games.

Weaknesses: Instability and fickleness in love. Often goes too far in love because of the desire to flirt and play on the other person, who will often suffer - but that is not her problem. Inconstant in love, which is ephemeral: she is unfaithful and can sometimes speak caustically.

Mars in Gemini

She speaks a lot, likes to spar verbally, discussions, disputes, polemic, criticism.

Weaknesses: she scolds and declaims. Words can be bitter and aggressive.

Jupiter in Scorpio

She is provocative, brusque, offensive. Very pretentious and opinionated, with lots of authority and ambition. Possibility of a large family.

Weaknesses: immoderate sensual appetite. Pretension, disdain, insolence.

Saturn in Taurus

Slow but persistent in action. Perseverance of effort, assiduity, in a regular and set manner.

Weaknesses: she perseveres, insisting on her way but is intransigent. Not very expansive.

Uranus in Libra

Well-developed artistic leanings. Her balance can be upset by too great an independence.

Neptune in Sagittarius

Likes long voyages, things foreign, water.

Pluto in Virgo

Takes away her shyness.

Sign and ascendant

The planets in the houses

The planetary positions in the houses express the facts relative to destiny.

Sun in VI

Not much social ambition, she wants to work in the medical environment and progress step by step.

Moon in III

Highly imaginative, but has difficulty in concentrating. She fantasizes sometimes. Important studies, moves around a lot and travels frequently.

Mercury in VI

Medical profession. Serviceable and generous nature. Meets their soul brother at work, or (if not) through family contacts.

Venus in VII

Her fate depends a lot on marriage. Marries for love, children, happy emotional life.

Mars in VII

She dominates her associates, colleagues. She is the same in love life, dominating the spouse and this makes for a stormy relationship in prospect.

Jupiter in XI

She is cooperative, organizes everyone. She climbs the social ladder thanks to help from friends and acquaintances who are chosen, not for their qualities, but for the advantages they can bring. She achieves her objectives.

Saturn in VI

She is a worker, very steady in all she does. She likes precision, method. She is serious and likes continuity at work. She can focus on a job in the medical field, where she will probably be successful, as she possesses all the necessary qualities.

Uranus in X

She must have an independent career, with no routine, which satisfies her need to move around, travel and which must in particular have an element of risk attached. She is eccentric.

Neptune in I

She is intuitive, sensitive. Not a fighter and is indecisive.

The houses in the signs

Ascendant in Scorpio

Emotional life certainly very changeable. Lovers will come and go, and then come back again. Sexuality is very important for her, for her stability.

House II in Sagittarius

Social success in one of the professions or in an import/export company dealing regularly with foreign countries.

House III in Aquarius

She is always at the forefront of progress. Likes everything that is new, original and ingenious. Likes every new idea, as long as it improves life and naturally is good for everyone. She is happy to travel even at a moment's notice, likes a life full of change and meetings.

House IV in Pisces

She is very susceptible to the mood of those around her. A hard difficult upbringing can mark her for life. When a child, has to be protected, given confidence.

House V in Aries

Full of initiative. Things are done to the full, with energy, vigor and strength of purpose: It is the same with love life. Children will be hardy and rarely ill.

House VI in Taurus

Completely trusted at work. Knows how to keep a secret and is of irreproachable honesty. Weak point: the throat.

House VII in Taurus

Marries for love but also well financially. A peaceful union even if exchange of ideas isn't always smooth.

House VIII in Gemini

If she is a writer, a painter or involved in another of the Arts, and if fame doesn't come when living, then it will come posthumously. Small inheritance from near relations. Take care of the lungs - if a smoker, then it is advisable to stop.

House IX in Leo

She is tolerant, accepts all differences and respects them. She is honest and loyal.

House X in Virgo

All medical, paramedic or social work are recommended.

House XI in Libra

Looks for friends among "well-placed" people, artists known even regionally, influential people in society, the social or political world, likes high class evenings.

House XII in Scorpio

Work in the police field, likes investigating other people's private lives.

Interplanetary aspects

The interplanetary aspects have a strong influence on the character and disposition of the individual and, consequently, on her destiny.

The conjunction aspect is variable and depends above all on the nature of the conjoint planets.

259 Conjunction Venus - Mars

She is amorous, not a peaceful and calm lover but a passionate one with a strong temperament. She is demonstrative in love, and likes healthy pleasures. She enjoys life to the full.

127 Conjunction Sun - Saturn

She likes to work alone, quietly. She pays attention to detail, is serious, methodical, patient and can take on long, difficult and delicate tasks, and complete them.

-127 Opposition Venus - Neptune

She lacks self-confidence and her ideals are not easily to achieve. In love, she is unstable, unfaithful and deceitful. She is easy-going and follows others, she does not take the initiative.

87 Trine Moon - Jupiter

She is frank, honest, optimistic and generous. She likes good cooking, her comforts. Her friendships are sincere. She is a worker and knows how to surround herself with the right people: she is appreciated at work.

-71 Opposition Venus - Ascendant

She goes to excess in her pleasures, frequents doubtful company. She lacks good taste. She is very spendthrift, but spreads her money around her circle. Her friends are more self-interested than sincere.

-70 Square Moon - Ascendant

She is unhappily influenced by the family. She is probably loved insufficiently by her parents, but looks for more love especially from her mother. She is susceptible, has superficial sensitivity and is sometimes irascible.

66 Trine Venus - Uranus

independent in love. Her love life is rich, but with passing love affairs. She tires quickly and is scared of losing her liberty. If she marries, she will regret it. She has that little something that attracts the opposite sex: she likes amorous adventures, she is romantic. She is the eternal lover and, of course, is unfaithful if she has a serious relationship. She likes art, anything new.

66 Conjunction Neptune - Ascendant

She has strange relationships. She is easily influenced, very sensitive and emotional.

64 Trine Mars - Uranus

She possesses exceptional energy. She is impulsive but bold. She takes on risky enterprises for the good of the community, with all the energy she possesses. She has a great need of her independence, likes her freedom of action.

60 Trine Mercury - Pluto

She has a great sense of observation and quickly grasps the situation. She is crafty, subtle and critical.

-55 Opposition Mercury - Ascendant

She likes to criticize, to gossip. Frequently arguing, she is nervous but also disturbed. She looks out too much for a verbal battle, and is provoking.

-53 Square Moon - Neptune

She lacks firmness, she is weak and lazy. She likes to live in a dream, in the imaginary.

-39 Square Moon - Mercury

She is happy in her imaginary world and thus is happy nowhere, because she can never find her ideal world - thus causing a lot of change, instability and also disquiet. She is a liar, a gossip and leaves herself open to criticism. Her lies save her. If the other aspects allow, she can be a very good novelist.

-29 Opposition Mercury - Neptune

She makes errors of judgement, and lacks sincerity. She lets things happen, and is happy in her dreamworld. Confronted by reality, she is hesitant, incapable of being tested and falls back into her imaginary world. She might become a drug-taker.

-24 Opposition Mars - Neptune

-7 Square Moon - Venus

While she is gay and gracious, she is also inconstant and capricious. She has a changeable nature. A varied love life and a sometimes dubious morality. She is weak and easily influenced, and can get involved in unfortunate situations because of a lack of understanding.

7 Sextile Pluto - Ascendant

She has will-power and ambition, and likes to have her own way.

3 Trine Venus - Pluto

Her emotional and sex life is powerful and rich. She lives out truly passionate love affairs.


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