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Chart calculation

AstroMart provides the utmost in user assistance for entering a chart. You just enter the name, date and time. AstroMart looks up the time shift (difference between legal local time and GMT, including daylight saving, etc.). if the shift is not found, or if it is doubtful, a message box prompts for confirmation, and the most likely time shift is displayed.

Next the program does a incremental search for the locality in its database (all towns in the USA!). If the locality is not found, the database window is displayed so you can search for it, or add or modify a locality.

You can also enter a chart without specifying a locality, i.e. using nominal latitude and longitude (0.0, 0.0 for example).

All calculations are exact within one minute of degree for the period 1900-2000. Outside this time frame, Pluto and Neptune are less exact but not more than a couple of minutes.


For a birth chart, AstroMart displays four types of graphics in three different formats, in addition it displays the following graphics:
  • Table of aspects,
  • Previsions graph,
  • Values pie graph,
  • Values bar graph,
  • Clock,
  • Moon cycle,
  • Line graph,
  • Line graph for a transiting planet (showing the diverse aspects),
  • Line graph for all transiting planets,
  • Superposed charts for transits, comparisons, progression, etc.
  • Side-by-side charts.
When you click on an object (graphic, wheel, house, planet, aspect) with the left mouse button, the program displays a window containing information about the object.
For a graphic that has aspects, the program displays a list box containing the list of aspects when you click in the middle of the graphic.
For a planet, for example, the window contains the subject's name, the name of the planet in full, the sign, how many degrees in the sign, if the planet is retrograde, the absolute longitude and latitude, and which house it is in.
If you click and hold down the left mouse button, you can drag the object to a different position. In this way, you can spread out the planets and houses in a group. The graphic thus modified can be printed or copied into the clipboard; it keeps the layout.
When you click on the graphic with the right mouse, a pop-up menu is displayed. This is a local menu, and its modifications act only upon the active window. When you open a new window, it uses the options specified in the Options menu.
You can thus change the colors, the planets and houses displayed, the orbs, etc. This is especially useful for graphics that represent two charts (comparisons, returns, etc.).

Data bases

All files used by AstroMart are now Firebird files, a clone of Interbase, and database functions are integrated directly into the program.
AstroMart can handle large files; Even with the complete City file (>124000 cities around the world), manipulations go quickly.
Chart files: You can sort, index and filter the chart files, the program includes conversion functions for importing and exporting files.
You can import, edit, delete or add chart data directly in the tables.
There is no limit to the file size, the software runs rapidly even with thousands of charts.
All data files (charts, cities, countries, states, time) can be edited in AstroMart, especially the time shift files. You can update them as you like for your country, with all the ease of a database management system.

Advanced calculations

AstroMart can do the following calculations: - Transits,
- Comparisons,
- Synastries,
- Progressions,
- Sun returns,
- Moon returns,
- Mid-points.

User-defined points

You can define your own astrological points, directions and fixed stars. These points are displayed both in lists and graphics, and can be used to calculate aspects. These are provided: - All Arabic parts,
- Fixed stars,
- Mid-points between all planets (Sun-Moon for example).


You can set many parameters in AstroMart:
Planets and houses displayed in the graphs,
Planets and houses taken into account for the calculations of the aspects,
Orbs of the aspects,
Choice between the Major Aspects or All Aspects
Type of zodiac: tropical (European) or sidereal (Oriental),
Choice of aspects to be taken into account for the calculation of the transits,
Orbs for transits,
Orbs for houses: a planet at -1 (or other value) from the cusp is considered to be in the house; you can center the houses on cusps.
Line width for graphics,
Colors for graphics.
Size of the graphic representations on the screen
Graphic display of the signs and planets by abbreviations or by symbols.
You can specify the font, size and color independantly for each glyph, i.e. you can use Windows fonts (Almanac, Wingdings), fonts from the internet or even from other astrology programs.
Whether the graph starts at the rising sign or zero degree in Aries
and more.
Whether the graph displays the degrees of each planet or not.

Foreign language support

AstroMart is self-translating: the language used for captions and listings can be selected (or translated directly in the program).
You can choose the character set in the default options and in the editors (Greek, Russian, East European, etc.). You can also translate the analysis texts directly in the program, using all the facilities and features of a word processor (character font and size, bold, italic, underlined, etc.).
Existing languages: English, French, German, Italian, Swedish, Spanish, Dutch, Finnish, Slovian and Portuguese.

Please send any comments or bug reports to frank@ceze.com

Astrology software for PC featuring chart calculation,
files for localities, states, time zones,
transits, progressions, sun and moon returns and more

Information, FAQ, shareware, registration

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Created by Frank Burns
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