
In case of problem
About AstroMart
Use of the keyboard
Use of the Mouse
The mouse in graphic windows
Tool bars
Time and date dialog
Read me window
Print read me
Print registration
File functions
Save text
Close chart
Modify chart
Chart tables
Page setup
Print/Chart and aspects
Printer setup
Birth chart
Configure display
Chart data window
Composite charts
Chart 2
Choose transit dialog
Compare to day
Compare 2 charts
Moon return
Sun return
Second chart
Graphic only
Graphic landscape
Graphic portrait
Aspect wheel
Daisy wheel
Aspect grid
Side by side
Line graph
Transits line graph
Transit line graph dialog
Moon phases
Cut and Copy
Select all
Display as page web
Tool bars
Zoom in, zoom out
Chart table
Edit chart table
Filter by field
Filter by planet
New locality dialog
Planets and stars
Analysis file
Chart setup
Planet setup
Text font
National parameters - language
Installation and Setup
Back up
Template files
Edit analysis texts
Edit analysis texts, Raw
Frequently asked questions


The main novelties in this version concern the internal format of charts, the database formats and functions, web page display, word-processing capacities in text windows, and new-style graphic windows.
Calculations are exact within one minute for the XX century.
There are several more house systems, including KOCH. You can give orbs to houses (distance before the house cusp in which a planet is considered to be in the house), or center houses on the cusps, and this for all house systems.
AstroMart lets you enter the details of the person to be studied for the calculation of his or her astral chart, and calculates the position of the planets at the time of birth as well as the position of the astrological houses and aspects. AstroMart displays the daisy-wheel birth chart and other graphs for comparisons, transits, the progression of planets, and more. Thanks to AstroMart, it is no longer necessary to calculate manually transits, solar revolutions, or comparisons.
AstroMart loads in its memory a file of the people for whom you wish to study the chart, safeguards it for you, deletes the charts if you so desire, modifies them if there is an error, and, of course, allows you to print part or all of the data.
AstroMart lets you to select the parameters for the printer and the style of printing.
The program AstroMart was written by F. Burns.
It is forbidden to use, copy, modify or transfer the AstroMart software and its documentation, or any reproduction of it except under the conditions explicitly stipulated by law.
The Author makes no promises or guarantee concerning the contents of this document or this software and specifically denies any implicit guarantee concerning its commercial qualities or its usage for any certain purpose.
The user assumes all risks concerning the results and performances of this software. The user assumes any expenses for reparation resulting from the use of this software.
The Author reserves the right to update and modify the manual and program without notifying the users.

F. Burns
82 rue Louis Antonin
30190 Saint Chaptes, France
Phone: (33) 04 66 59 02 19


Cursor: a flashing block in the shape of an arrow or an "I" which indicates the place on the screen where the next input or modification will occur.
Main chart: the main chart is the chart calculated for a person or date. Almost all the operations affect exclusively the main chart.
Active window: the active window is the window placed on top. The title bar of the window is a different color. The menus only relate to the active window. The menus are different for different windows.
Menu: a menu is a group of logical options between which you can move.
Option: you can select a single option in the menu by using the mouse, the up and down arrows, and then pressing the ENTER key.
Dialog box: a window which is displayed for information input. It contains text, buttons and fields.
Button: a button is a text associated with a round or square object which can be selected with the mouse or with the arrows or the space bar. There are two types of button:
  1. Exclusive (round): If a button is selected, the other buttons in the same group are inhibited.
  2. Non-exclusive: Several buttons in the same group can be selected
Field: a box on the screen where you can enter data. There are 2 types of field:
  1. numeric fields in which only numbers can be entered, for example: 05/05/1990, age, etc.
  2. alphanumeric fields, for instance a name or comment or a filename

Use of the keyboard

The ENTER key confirms the selection of a menu option or confirms the input in a dialog box.
The ESC key allows you to leave where you are in case of error, to go back and continue with your work.
displays a window to allow you to switch to another program.
switches to the next program.
copies the contents of the active window into the clipboard.
prints out the contents of the active window.

In the menus

In the main menu, the down arrow takes you to a sub-menu, in the other menus, it takes you to the next option.
The up arrow takes you back to the previous option.
In the main menu, the right arrow takes you to the next option.
In the main menu, the left arrow takes you to the preceding option, in the other menus, it takes you ten options further back.

In a window

opens the dialog box for entering a new chart.
immediately saves the main chart, and thus has the same function as the SAVE option in the FILE menu.
has the same effect as the Load option in the File menu.
copies the selected text to the clipboard.
removes the selected text to the clipboard.
pastes the content of the clipboard at the current cursor position.
repeats the search for a text in the active window.
closes the active window.
quits AstroMart.
searches for a text.
prints the active window.
has the same effect as the Graph option in the Chart menu.
activates the next window.
has the same effect as the Analysis option in the Chart menu.
activates the menu, and you can then use the keyboard to select an option.

In the input fields

In all the menus and input fields the arrows have the following functions:
and the down arrow take you to the next field.
and the up arrow take you to the previous field.
The right arrow
takes you to the next character in a field.
The left arrow
takes you to the previous character in a field.
takes you to the first character in a field.
takes you to the last character in a field.
The delete keys delete. The DEL key with the left arrow deletes towards the left, and the DEL key without an arrow deletes where the cursor is currently positioned.

Use of the Mouse

The mouse in graphic windows

When you click on an object (graphic, wheel, house, planet) with the left mouse button, the program display a window containing information about the object.
For a graphic that has aspects, the program displays a list box containing the list of aspects when you click in the middle of the graphic.

The tab for selecting a text such as the name at the top of a graphic is in its upper left corner, so you can also move text objects.
For a planet, for example, the window contains the subject's name, the name of the planet in full, the sign, how many degrees in the sign, if the planet is retrograde, the absolute longitude and latitude, and which house it is in.
Click on Ok to close the window.

The Info + button displays a window contain other information such as the meaning of a planet or of the aspects.
If you click on an object, and then hold the mouse button down, you can drag the object to a different position. In this way, you can spread out the planets and houses in a group. The graphic thus modified can be printed or copied into the clipboard; it keeps the layout.

When you click on the graphic with the right mouse, a pop-up menu is displayed. This is a local menu, and its modifications act only upon the active window. When you open a new window, it uses the options specified in the Options menu.
You can thus change the colors, the planets and houses displayed, the orbs, etc. This is especially useful for graphics that represent two charts (comparisons, returns, etc.).

Tool bars

AstroMart has three types of tool bars:
  1. The bar at the top of the main window carries out common actions such as Save, Open, Copy, etc.
  2. The bar in most graphic windows lets you display or remove a planet. When you click on the left button, the action is on the first (main or lower) chart; if you click on the right button, the action is on the other chart if there is one.
  3. The bar for text formatting lets you select the font, the font type and attributes such as bold, italics and underlined.


This menu offers the following actions :
- Enter a New chart,
- Open a chart in the chart file,
- Save a chart in the chart file,
- Save the text in a text window along with the chart,
- Modify an existing chart,
- Close the selected chart window,
- Choose the table of charts to be used
- Export copies of your data to a file,
- Using Page setup, specify the margins and the footer,
- Print the Chart and aspects, the Analysis, the Graphic or All,
- Configure your Printer,
- Quit AstroMart.

New ^N

The NEW option in the CHART menu is used to input a new chart.
A dialog box is displayed.
You type the family name and first names of your subject and possibly a comment. The Reference field is used to class and sort your charts. You can enter any text or numbers.
You select the sex of your subject.
The birthplace written in the Tools/Options menu is displayed automatically. If it is the desired town, you will have the coordinates. If you want another town, type in the first two or three letters of the desired town, which should be enough to find it.
When checked, the Lookup locality check box makes the program search for the city in the database automatically. If disabled, the program will accept your data without verification. Disable lookup if you want to enter arbitrary data (no longitude and latitude, for instance).
If lookup is enabled and if the city is not found, a dialog box opens for the City database. Type in the first letters in the active field to search. Select a town with the arrows and press ENTER, or select Add if the required town is not in the town file. "Modify" and "Delete" enable you to modify or delete a town.
To enter a new town: see Database/Localities.
Complete the date and time for your chart.
Click the "Unknown" button if you do not know the time of birth. It calculates the chart for 12:00 local time and does not use the house cusps for other calculation or display.
If you leave "Auto" in the time adjustment field, the software will try to look up the difference between GMT and the local legal time. If not successful, a message and a suggested adjustment are displayed. This adjustment is probably correct. If this is not correct, you must enter the time adjustment.
ATTENTION: If you enter a time adjustment, the program will accept it whatever its value. If you want AstroMart to calculate the time adjustment, leave "Auto" in this field.

Open ^O

The OPEN option in the FILE menu allows you to select the desired chart in the chart file.
The first field lets you enter the first letters for looking up your chart. The Name and Reference radio buttons indicate whether the charts are sorted by name or by the reference field. The third box lets you choose the type of charts you are looking for.
You can do more complex operations (such as Delete, Zap, Filters, etc.) in Database/Edit chart file.
It is possible to select another chart file in Chart files.

Save ^S

The SAVE option in the FILE menu saves the chart that is displayed on screen in the chart file.
It is possible to select another chart file in the SAVE option in the FILE menu saves the chart that is displayed on screen in the chafile:///mnt/disk/documents/sources/astro82/help/help-en.htmlrt file.
It is possible to select another chart file in the Chart files

Save text

Modify chart

This function modifies the displayed chart.

Close chart

This function closes the displayed chart.

Chart tables

This function changes the file of charts, so that other chart files can be used. The program displays all the existing files in the current directory.
You can create a file by writing the name of a file which does not exist in the list.


This function exports the data contained in an active window active to a file.
The program displays all the existing files in the current directory.
You can create a file by writing the name of a file that does not exist in the list.
For a text window, the file format is RTF (Rich Text Format). Graphics are stored as Windows Meta Files (*.wmf). These formats are read by all the Windows software.

Page setup

This function displays a dialogue box. You can specify :
- Header : Press the button to print the name and number of the page on the top of each page.
- Footer : Specify the text line to be printed at the bottom of each page.
- Margins : Specify the margins to be left on each side of the page. The unit (cm, inch, pica) can be changed by using National. The margins will be in keeping with the data of your printer (paper format, direction), see Printer setup.


This items leads to a sub-menu:
- Print Window
- Print Chart and aspects
- Print Analysis
- Print Graphics
- Print all

Print/Window ^P

This function prints the contents of an active window, as well as the text and the graphics. It uses the margins specified in the Page setup, but does not print the header and the footer.

Print/Chart and aspects

For the relevant windows, this function prints the data of the corresponding chart.
It uses the margins specified in the Page setup, and prints the header and footer on each page.


For the relevant windows, this function prints the analysis of the corresponding chart, without displaying it on screen.
It uses the margins specified in the Page setup, and prints the header and footer on each page.


This function prints the corresponding graphic of a chart contained in a window.
It uses the margins specified in the Page setup, and prints the header and footer on each page.


For a window that contains a chart, this function prints the chart, the aspects, the graphic and the analysis.

Printer setup

This function loads your printer or individually modifies its parameters.

Quit Alt+F4

This function closes your session on AstroMart.
This option must always be used to quit the program or its equivalent hot-key must be used, in this case Alt+F4.
This option saves all the options you have selected and indexes them, before quitting the program.


This menu contains the copy-paste and the text search functions:
- In a text window, Undo undoes the last action.
- Cut, Copy, Copy all the selection or entire window to the clipboard (text and graphs),
- Paste the clipboard.
- Search for a word or phrase in a text window or find the Next occurrence,
- Select all the text.


In a text editor window, this undoes the last action.

Cut and Copy ^C

This function copies the contents of the active window in the clipboard. It works for text and graphics. Afterwards, you can paste the contents of the clipboard in another software package (word processor, spreadsheet, ...).

Paste ^V

This function copies the contents of the clipboard into a text window at the position of the cursor.

Search ^F

This function finds a word or phrase in a text. It can only work in text windows. The word line which contains the requested word is displayed at the top of the window.

Next F3

This searches for the next occurrence of the text that was searched for in the Search function.


In text editor window, this replaces a text found with another.

Select all Ctrl + A

This function selects all the text in a text window.


This menu lets you modify on-screen display:
- Choice of text or browser display,
- Enable the Tool bar, the Format bar, the Graphic bar and the Status bar,
- Zoom in or Zoom out.


This submenu controls the display in html format, ie in a web browser. It uses en embedded version of Internet Explorer to show the chart in a normal window, mixing graphics and text with all the possibilities of formating that can be found in html. The menus items are not always the same as for the vintage text display as it is not possible to insert into the web pages.
Several different format templates are included and you can create your own.

Display as page web

Checking this item enables display in web (html) format. Notice that the option does not effect the pages already displayed and so it is possible to have both types of display open at the same time.


You can choose one of the template themes for displaying your work. Each is composed of a set of template files stored in the folder [My Documents]\AstroMart\html\cgi-text. The 1st template is simply the name of the file, and each additional template adds ..01, 002, ..03, etc. If a template file is not found for the corresponding function and template number, then the original file (without a number) is used.
See Template files for the various special tags that can be included in the template files.

Tool bars

You can display or hide the following bars: - Tool bar on the top of the screen
- Graphic tool on the right of a graphic window
- Status bar on the bottom of the window.

Zoom in, zoom out

These enlarge or reduce the scale of graphics.


This menu lets you modify the text format:
- Format in Bold, Underlined, Italic.
- Font changes the font of the selected text.
- Font +, Font - increase and decrease the size of the font of the selected text.


This menu creates a window with the data of the chart in the active window :
- You can specify which data will be displayed in each type of text window: header, planets, analysis, etc.
- Add data to a window,
- Create a window with given data.
- Chart creates a window similar to the positions of the planets and houses, and the planets in the houses.

Configure display

This leads to a submenu where you can specify the elements to be included in a text window for each type of window: birth chart, transits, etc.

First select the type of window, a dialog box is displayed.
The available elements are in the list on the right and the selected elements on the left.
HeaderThis inserts a summary of data for the window: name, dates, etc.
NameThe firstname and name of the main chart are inserted.
TableThis inserts all the data in a succession of tables, see the following 4 items.
PlanetsA table of planets and houses is displayed.
PlanetsExtThis shows a list of astriods and other points and planets.
PlanetHouseInserts the planets and in which house each is located.
SignTypesThis inserts the sign types, ie Earth, Water, Fire, etc.
Aspects This shows the aspects of the chart, their orbs and the indicative values of these aspects. The values give summary indications of the aspects. They take into account the orb, the type of aspect and the planets.
Specification of the planets to be used for the aspects takes place in the Planets setup.
Specification of the orbs takes place in the Orbs. A change in the orbs has an effect on the values displayed.
The choice between the "Major Aspects" and "All Aspects" is set in the Preferences
List This displays the data as a list. It contains the internal reference of the planet, its name, sign, degrees in sign, retrograde, absolute longitude and latitude, which house a planet is in, and the number of the house.
Analysis This shows the complete analysis of the chart with the Planets in the Signs, the Planets in the Houses and the Aspects of the Planets.
Specification of the planets to be used for the aspects of the values takes place in the Planets setup sub-menu.
Specification of the orbs takes place in the Orbs. A change in the orbs has an effect on the values displayed.
The choice between the "Major Aspects" and "All Aspects" is set in the Preferences
ValuesThese values are the totals of the influence values for each item in the chart, i.e. the value of the Love in an aspect, of Work for a planet in a sign, etc. You can modify the values for each item in the Edit analysis dialog box.
These values are also shown in the Values pie and bar graphs.
ChineseThis is only partially implemented
NumeroThis is only partially implemented
Note that the actual display for each module depends on the type of window; list is a list of birth planet data for a birth chart, and a list of transits for a transit window. In many cases, there is no corresponding display specific to a type of window.

Chart data windows

You can create a new window containing one of the following contents, or insert the contents into the current window:
- List
- Aspects
- Analysis
- A new Chart window with the currently defined content.

Chart 2

The Chart 2 menu offers the following actions :
- Calculates the Transits for the chart in the active window,
- Compares to day the active chart ,
- Makes a series of comparisons in order to make Previsions,
- Synastry compares the charts of two different people,
- Calculates the Moon return for the chart,
- Calculates the Sun return for the chart,
- Calculates the Chart 2/Progression,
- For the windows relating to the calculation of two charts, displays the :
- Mid-points between two charts
- The Second chart.


This function calculates the transits of certain planets in relation to the chart in the active window.
Select the required planets from the list.
The program will ask what town must be used for the longitude in order to calculate the transits. Enter the first letters of the town. For the management of the localities file, see Database/Localities.
Enter the date of the start of the calculation.
Indicate for how many months the transits must be calculated.
This option calculates the exact transits for the chosen planets. It gives the date and time of the transit. The last-but-one column gives the exact angle between the two planets at that moment. A positive value is said to be Dexter and a negative one Sinister.
Specification for the planets used for the transits takes place in the Options/Chart/Preferences submenu.
The usual menu is displayed on top of the screen. This menu corresponds to the Main Menu , but certain options act in a way that is different, but appropriate for the transits.

Choose transit dialog

This lets you select the transit to be used for your graphic or comparison.

Compare to day

This function calculates a comparison between the active chart and the chart of the day. The aspects of this comparison correspond to the transits with the orbs selected in the Options menu.
The program will ask what town must be used for the longitude in order to calculate the transits. Enter the first letters of the town. For the management of the localities file, see Database/Localities.
Enter the date and time for the calculation.
The inter-aspects between the main chart and the chart of the day are displayed with their orbs and indicative values.
The usual menu is displayed on top of the screen. This menu corresponds to the Main Menu , but certain options act in a way that is different, but appropriate for the comparisons.


This function calculates a series of comparisons between the active chart and a regular progression of moments in time.
Enter the date and time for the calculation.
Each step corresponds to the difference in time between each comparison.
The number of steps determines the number of comparisons in the series.
The totals of negative and positive points, and their sum, are displayed for each date.
The usual menu is displayed on top of the screen. This menu corresponds to the Main Menu , but certain options act in a way that is different, but appropriate.

Compare 2 charts

This function compares the active chart to a file chart.
The program asks you to load a chart from among those in your chart files.
The inter-aspects between the active chart and the chosen chart are displayed with their orbs and their indicative values.
The usual menu is displayed on top of the screen. This menu corresponds to the Main Menu , but certain options act in a way that is different, but appropriate.

Moon return

This function studies the Sun return of the active chart.
Enter the date for the return. The program will calculate the closest return (plus or minus 14 days).
The program will ask what town must be used for the longitude in order to calculate the solar revolution. Enter the first letters of the town. For the management of the localities file, see Database/Localities.

Sun return

This function studies the Solar revolution of the active chart.
Input the age on the required birthday.
The program will ask what town must be used for the longitude in order to calculate the solar revolution. Enter the first letters of the town. For the management of the localities file, see Database/Localities.


This function studies the progressive chart of the subject.
Input the date and time for the progression.
The program will ask what town must be used for the longitude in order to calculate the solar revolution. Enter the first letters of the town. For the management of the localities file, see Database/Localities.
The usual menu is displayed on top of the screen. This menu corresponds to the Main Menu , but certain options act in a way that is different, but appropriate.


For the windows that deal with two charts, this function creates a window which contains the chart calculated with the physical mid-points between the two charts.
The usual menu is displayed on top of the screen. This menu corresponds to the Main Menu , but certain options act in a way that is different, but appropriate.

Second chart

For the windows that deal with two charts, this function creates a window which contains the second chart, which is most often the result of a calculation.
The usual menu is displayed on top of the screen. This menu corresponds to the Main Menu , but certain options act in a way that is different, but appropriate.


This menu displays graphics :
- Aspect wheel displays the graphic representation of a chart with the aspects in the middle of the circle or, for the windows that deal with two charts, the two charts superimposed on each other,
- Daisy wheel displays the graphic representation of a chart with the planets inside the circle or, for the windows that deal with two charts, the two charts superimposed on each other,
- Aspect Grid shows the aspects in tabular format,
- Values pie and bar graphs show the influence values of a chart,
- Previsions is a particular graphic for the Previsions function,
- Side by side displays two charts side by side for the windows that deal with two charts,
- Clock displays a chart that advances with time,
- Line graph displays the movement of the planets with time,
- Transits line graph is a particular graphic for the Transits function.

Graphic only

This menu is used to display one of the available graphics alone on the screen, i.e. without the table of planets and aspects.

Graphic landscape

This menu is used to display one of the available graphics with the table of planets and aspects arrange horizontally. It is the most appropriate display for a normal computer screen.

Graphic portrait

This menu is used to display one of the available graphics with the table of planets and aspects arrange vertically. It is the most appropriate for a printer.

Aspect wheel

For a window which corresponds to a single chart, this function displays a graphic representation of the chart (Chart of the Heavens).
For the windows that deal with two charts, this function displays a graphic representation of the secondary chart on the main chart. The main chart is in a single color.
Specification of colors, font characters, size, the planets to be displayed and the planets used for the aspects takes place in Planets setup.
Specification of the orbs takes place in Options/Orbs.
The choice between the Major Aspects and All the Aspects takes place in the Options/Preferences.
See also:
The mouse in graphics and Tool bars.

Daisy wheel

For a window which corresponds to a single chart, this function displays a graphic representation of the chart (Chart of the Heavens).
For the windows that deal with two charts, this function displays a graphic representation of the secondary chart on the main chart . The main chart is in a single color.
Specification of colors, font characters, size, the planets to be displayed and the planets used for the aspects takes place in Planets setup.
Specification of the orbs takes place in Options/Orbs.
The choice between the Major Aspects and All the Aspects takes place in the Options/Preferences.
See also:
The mouse in graphics and Tool bars.

Aspect grid

This window shows the aspects as table. You can click on a planet or an aspect to get more information, or click on the background to have a list of the aspects and their analysis texts.
Specification of colors, font characters, size, the planets to be displayed and the planets used for the aspects takes place in Planets setup.
Specification of the orbs takes place in Options/Orbs.
The choice between the Major Aspects and All the Aspects takes place in the Options/Preferences.


This option displays a graphic particular to the Previsions function.
It represents a series of comparisons between the main chart and a series of dates.
The red line represents the negative points, the green line the positive points, and the blue line the total of the points for each date.


This function displays two different graphics to illustrate the data from the Values function.
Values - pie shows the (positive - negative) totals for each influence, classed from the most negative to the most positive.
Values - bars shows the positive (green), negative (red) and total values (blue or purple).
You can modify the values in the Edit analysis dialog box.

Side by side

This function displays the main chart and the second chart side by side. The two charts are in the classical circular format (chart of the Heavens).
Specification of colors, font characters, size, the planets to be displayed and the planets used for the aspects takes place in Planets setup.
Specification of the orbs takes place in Options/Orbs.
The choice between the Major Aspects and All the Aspects takes place in the Options/Preferences.
See also:
The mouse in graphics and Tool bars.


This function displays a graphic of an Astral Clock which displays the chart using the date and time of the data, then advances the chart in time, like a clock, in time intervals that were set at the beginning in the input field "Time step".
The Clock function of the Chart menu displays a dialogue box which can be used to input the date and time you require. The date and time of the active chart are displayed by default. Clock displays the graphic representations, for the chosen date and time, by advancing each time by the number of minutes that have been entered in the field "Time step". If you want to pause during the display, click on the left mouse button.
The clock stops when you activate another window, and starts up again when its window is reactivated.
Specification of colors, font characters, size, the planets to be displayed and the planets used for the aspects takes place in Planets setup.
Specification of the orbs takes place in Options/Orbs.
The choice between the Major Aspects and All the Aspects takes place in the Options/Preferences.
See also:
The mouse in graphics and Tool bars.

Line graph

This function displays a graphic in lines, showing the movement of the planets from a certain date and with a certain step in time.
The program displays a dialogue box which can be used to input the date, the time and the "Step" of time that you require. The date and the time of the main chart are displayed by default.
After validation, Line graph displays a graphic representation from the chosen date time, increasing each time by the number of days entered into the "Step" field.
Specification of colors, font characters, size, the planets to be displayed takes place in Planets setup.
See also:
The mouse in graphics

Transits line graph

This graphic is particular to the Transits function. It displays the movement of the planets in transit in relation to the main chart.
The option displays a window which loads either all the planets or just one. If you select ALL, the software draws horizontal lines, representing the positions of the planets of the main chart, and curves representing the movement of the planets in transit.
If you select one planet, AstroMart draws horizontal lines representing the positions of the aspects. A curve shows the movement of the planets in transit.
See also:
The mouse in graphics

Transit line graph dialog

Transit linear graph displays the graphs, showing the progression of the planets in transit in relation either to all the planets or a single planet.
The option displays a window in which you choose between all the planets or a single planet.
If you choose ALL, the program plots horizontal lines representing the positions of the planets in the main chart, and curves representing the movement of the planets in transit.
If you select a single planet, the program plots horizontal lines representing the position of the planet chosen in the main chart, and horizontal lines representing the position of the aspects. Curves show the movement of the planets in transit.

Moon phases

The option displays a window showing the moon phases centered on the date you enter.
See also:
The mouse in graphics


This menu lets you handle the various databases:
- Select chart table, Edit chart table, and Convert chart file manipulate chart files.
- Localities, Country, State, Time, Planets and Stars deal with the other types of data.
- Choose and edit the Analysis files used for each analysis module.

Edit chart table

This function handles various operations on chart files. You can open, modify, add, sort, filter charts.
Attention: Unless you click on Recalc, the modified or added charts are calculated only when you open them.
There are two specific menus on the top of this window:
The Filters menu contains the following items (Windows 95):
- By field lets you put a condition for display of charts.
- By planet displays only charts having a planet or house in a certain sign.
The Database menu contains the following items:
- Add imports charts from another chart file, of type dBase or Paradox.
- Copy exports charts to a file, of type dBase, Paradox or ASCII.
- Zap removes all displayed charts from the file. You can use this function to delete the charts selected with a filter. ATTENTION: Deleted charts cannot be recovered.
- Rename gives a different name to the current chart file.
- Delete removes the currently selected chart.

Filter by field

By field lets you put a condition for display of charts. This condition is the name of a database field (Name for example), an operator (=, , ) and a condition. The filter "Country=1" displays only charts of people born in the USA.

Filter by planet

By planet displays only charts having a planet or house in a certain sign.


This option lets you to work directly on the localities file. This file is in the Paradox 4 format, and can be modified by almost all database managers and even by a lot of spreadsheets.
Country filters the file on a given country (for example, USA=1), and All countries removes the filter.
Add opens the dialog box for entering a new city.
ATTENTION: The Greenwich meridian (0.00) is the reference point.
For the internal workings of AstroMart, the latitude North and the longitude West are POSITIVE and the latitude South and the longitude East are NEGATIVE. Because the buttons for North or South, West or East must be selected, you simply enter the values for longitude and latitude without a sign.
See Enter new city

New locality dialog

ATTENTION: The Greenwich meridian (0.00) is the reference point. For the internal workings of AstroMart, the latitude North and the longitude West are POSITIVE and the latitude South and the longitude East are NEGATIVE. Because the buttons for North or South, West or East must be selected, you simply enter the values for longitude and latitude without a sign.
To enter a new town:
- Complete the name of the town.
- Click on the arrow to the right of the country field to select the country from the list.
- Enter the number of the state for the United States or Canada, or look it up in the list.
- You must type the latitude first, then indicate North by "N" and South by "S".
- Do the same for the longitude, first entering the longitude then "W" for West and "E" for East. The exact coordinates can be found in an atlas.
In 1883, a Pan-American railway company requested the adoption of unified time system for the region which would not continuously vary from one place to the next. The following year, the Washington Congress, the system of time zones, was adopted by 36 nations.
The original meridian is that of Greenwich, near London, and it divides the globe into 24 sections of 15 angle in longitude (measured to the Equator).
Each section corresponds to the angle of rotation of the Earth in one hour.
Every new town is registered in the CITY.DB file. It can be modified at the request of AstroMart during the calculation of a chart where the town is not in the memory, or by means of a dBaseIV or Paradox file manager which enables a new town to be added directly to this file.
AstroMart works in the following manner with respect to the 0 (zero) of the Greenwich meridian.:
To register a new town during the calculation of a chart where the town is not memorized in the CITY.DB file, it is possible to use a recent Atlas and record the latitude and then the longitude when AstroMart requests them.
The ideal thing is to have a small pocket Atlas. A simple calculation to convert the Hours-Minutes-Seconds into degrees must be carried out in order to give the precise position of the town in degrees.
The LONGITUDE is always converted into DEGREES and MINUTES. 60 minutes corresponds to 15. The object of the exercise is to know how many degrees are given in "x" minutes.
For example, to record the town of Fort-de-France (Martinique), whose LATITUDE is at 14.40 and whose LONGITUDE is at 4.4.25 (Hours-Minutes-Seconds).
The CONVERSION is as follows:
4 hours =4*60 = 240 minutes
4 minutes = 4 minutes
25 seconds = 25 seconds
This is added up in minutes and seconds. In other words, 240+4 = 244 minutes plus 25 seconds, which gives a longitude for Fort-de-France of 244.25 minutes.
This must then be multiplied by 15 (to convert it to degrees, because 60 minutes = 15) and divided by 60 minutes.
From which you get 244.25*15 = 3663.75/60 = 61.0625, in other words 61.06 of longitude.
Result: a LATITUDE of 14.40 and a LONGITUDE of 61.06 must be entered at the request of AstroMart during the calculation of a relevant chart or enter these figures into the AstroMart's CITY.DB file by means of a file manager.


This function lets you work directly on the Country file. In general, you needn't change this data, except to enter a country that lacks. The country number (and sometimes the state) is used by the time files to calculate the time shift.


This function lets you work directly on the State file. For certain countries (USA, Canada, Australia) the state number is used by the time files to calculate the time shift.


This function lets you work directly on the Time files. The left window (Time1.db) uses the country, state and date to determine which table index should be used to look up the time shift in the right window (Time2.db). For France (Country=33, state is not used), from Date=27/03/1983 you use the same table as Greece (Table=30) but with a difference of minus one hour (Time1.Adjust=-1).
When you select a record in the left window and then go to the right window, only the records in the corresponding table are displayed. In the example for France, the records for Greece are displayed (Table=30), with the date and time of change. The adjust field gives the difference from that moment on. This adjust is added to the adjust on the left (Time shift=Time1.adjust + Time2.adjust).
If you put (Ask=true) for a record, AstroMart will calculate the shift, and then display a message asking the user to confirm before continuing. This is useful for countries and periods for which the determination is uncertain (France in 1941, for example).
For Adjust, if you enter 254, the local sun time is calculated. If you enter 255, the logical time zone is computed (shift = Round(longitude/15).

Planets and stars

This items lets you work on the Star file containing information for Arabic parts, fixed stars, mid-points and other points. This file gives the mathematical definition for these elements, but not the translated name. The translations are in the language text files. See Tools/Chart setup for the integration of the elements into chart calculation.
- Num is used by AstroMart to identify the planet. In this file, Num must be greater than 100, as AstroMart reserves the numbers 1 to 100 for its own use.
- Type must be greater than 0; 1 for Arabic parts, 2 for fixed stars, and an arbitrary number for other elements.
- Offset and Icon are not used in this version.
- Plus1, Plus1 and Minus1 refer to planet numbers (1 for Sun, 2 for Moon, etc.). These may be user-defined numbers in the Num field. The Chart/List window displays the planets with their numbers. You can use the fields on the left to select planets by name.
- Value, Lat and Long are absolute values in degrees and decimal degrees (156.7500 = 156 45').
The following formula is used for longitude:
Lat = (Plus1+Plus2-Minus1)/Divider + Value + Long
Lat gives the latitude.

Analysis file

This function lets you choose the section of the analysis file that is to be used for each interpretation module: birth chart, transits, comparisons, etc.
The list of analysis module is on the left. Select one of these modules, then click on the section to be used in the right box.
is an empty place for adding a new section.
The small File menu on the top of this dialog box contains the functions Import, Export and Edit which act on the selected section. The Edit has the same effect as the Edit menu function, see Edit analysis texts
How to import "*.a*" files into the version 5.2 or greater.
1) Open your file using Word or another word processor.
2) Replace all the { with [ and all the } with ], then save the file in "Text only" format.
3) In AstroMart, go to "Database/Analysis files".
4) In the right list box, select "" for a new file, or select the section you want to replace.
5) Select "Import" in the local "File", then select your file


This displays a window in which you can edit the analysis texts in their native html format.

Edit analysis texts

This function is used to modify the texts used for analyses.
At the top of the window, there is a standard format tool bar, but containing an additional pull-down list box for inserting macro-commands. When you select a command in the list, it is automatically inserted at the cursor position.
[|] : man/woman, for a man, the text in front of the bar | is inserted, if not, the text following the bar is inserted.
[$N] [$F] [$B] [$C] [$S] [$D] [$T] : respectively, name, first name, birthplace, country, state, date and time of birth.
[$PS1] .. [$PSn] : the sign and degrees in the sign for planet 1..x, for example, "Sun in [$PS1]" gives "Sun in Aries 7"
[?PS1,1 text] .. [?PSn,n text] : The text is inserted only if the planet is in a certain sign, for example, [?PS1,1 Hello], "Hello" is displayed only if the sun is in Aries.
The list boxes in the next bar let you select the rubric you want to edit. The first list is used to choose the type (aspect, ?) the next two the planets or houses (planet1, planet2), and then the type of aspect (aspect).
The table on the lower left lets you access these values directly. You can edit them in the list, but attention, the combination of values must be unique, if no you will see a "Key violation" error. In this case, specify other values or deleted the record.
The Navigator is a strip of commands that may be used to move about in the database, or to add or delete records (+, -).
After editing text, you need to click on Accept in order to save the modification in the database. The next rubric is displayed automatically.
The boxes "Intellect, Action, etc" specifies the values used for calculating the Values function. The following scales are used:
For Planet in sign, Planet in house, House in Sign:
Sun 0-100
Moon 0-90
Mercury - Saturn 0-80
Uranus - Pluto 0-50
Aspects should be percentages 0 - 100 %, since the values are multiplied by the existing coefficient:
Sun Conjunction Venus 6.36 232
Value = value * 232/200
Pluto Sextile Ascendant 0.02 20
Value = value * 20/200


This menu offers the following items:
- Options displays a sub-menu for the options to calculate and display a chart: Birth chart, Lower chart, Upper chart.
- Chart setup specifies which planets and points are used to calculated a chart.
- Planets setup specifies the colors, font characters, size, the planets to be displayed and the planets used for the aspects.
- Language and national parameters specify text display and local settings.
- Font changes the type and size of the font,
- You can Open a file of options,
- You can Save options in an options file.
- You can Save as your options in another file,
- You can Save and Load default options your options in another file,
- You can Reset all the options.


This item sets the options for Birth chart, Upper chart and Lower chart.
The following option pages are presented:
- Preferences
- Orbs
- Houses
- Transits
- Specification of colors, font characters, size, the planets to be displayed and the planets used for the aspects takes place in Planets setup.


This function specifies the parameters for the calculation of the charts:
- The beginning of the charts of the Heavens can start on the right with the Aries sign, with the Ascendant or the Asc node.
- You have the choice between displaying with Symbols or with Letters for the signs and planets.
- The charts of the Heavens can be displayed With or Without degrees.
- The choice between the Major aspects and All aspects,
- The choice between the Tropical and the Sidereal zodiac,
- The default Locality.
- The Help file used (presently only English or French).
- Zoom changes the size of the graphic. There is also a zoom button in the Graphic tool bar.
- The number of pixels to add to line widths when printing (Print +).


This function specifies the orbs for each planet and for each type of aspect.


This pages sets:
- The system of houses
- You can give an orb to houses. This orb is the distance before the house cusp in which a planet is considered to be in the house.
- You can center houses on the cusps, and this for all house systems.


This pages selects the types of aspects used to search for transits.

Chart setup

This item lets you add planets other than those defined by AstroMart.
For AstroMart, a planet is a point calculated for a certain time relative to another point or value; a number is used to identify a planet. The definitions are copied from Star.db on the left (See Database/Planets and stars) to Planet.db on the right, this latter is used by the program each time a chart is created. You can add or remove planets, and you can modify information such as name and short name.
Specification of colors, font characters, size, the planets to be displayed and the planets used for the aspects takes place in Planets setup.
The Setup button leads to Planets setup.

Planet setup

This dialog box is used to set the parameters for graphics and text: color, line width, font and display. It applies to all graphical elements including aspects, text, background, planets, houses, points, etc.
For the background colors for text depends directly on Windows and the font and color of text is set in Font.
The actual appearance is shown to the left of each field.
Visible and Aspects
These check boxes specify if the planet, house or point should be shown on graphics and if it should be used for aspects.
Planet name and Short name
These two fields specify the name of the planet for text display and its abbreviated name which is sometimes used in tables and graphics.
Graphic character
This is the character used to display a glyph. Its actual presentation depends on the font character set. You can use the Windows "Character table" utility to find which one to use for the desired font.


This function displays a Windows dialogue box for the choice of font, as well as its size and color. The color is the same as Color 1.
Line width
This lets you set the line width in pixels for display and printout of graphics.
Some printers do not print colors, or not the same colors if the Line width is 1 pixel.
Use Options/Print + to add a specified number of pixels when printing. This lets you print with a greater line width than the screen display.
These buttons set the color for each element of the graphic display. For Background and Planets they set the colors for normal windows, two-chart windows and other graphics.
Some printers often do not print out the colors exactly as they are on the screen. In this case try different colors.

Text font

This function displays a Windows dialogue box for the choice of font, as well as its size and color. This font is used in text windows.

National parameters - language

The item lets you to enter information concerning the user's country:
- Translate all the text displayed by the program:
- Set the name of the town, by default, as well as its coordinates. This data will appear in all new charts. Most of your subjects will probably be born in this town or its surroundings; this will avoid having to write it each time.
- Select a measurement unit for the margins,
- For the date, selects either the European format (dd/mm/yyyy = 31/12/1992) or the American (mm/dd/yyyy = 12/31/1992).
All this information is stored in the registry.
To translate the text, start by selecting your language. If it is not in the list, then contact the author. There are two language windows: English one the left, and the current translation on the right. Choose a line of text in one of the windows, and the current translation is shown in the field below. You can enter or modify it as you like.


This function resets all the options back to their original state.

Time and date dialog

This dialog lets you enter the time and date of an event.
Often, you can also enter a locality, see Database/Localities.
For time and date formats, see National parameters - language.

Read me window

Information about AstroMart

Print read me

Print the information.


Pay for your program.

Print registration

Print a registration form.



AstroMart must be installed on hard disk in order to run. If automatic execution is enable, just put the CD into your drive. If not, select "Run" in the "Start" menu then type "d:setup" if your CD drive is d:.
The program files are installed in "[Program Files]\Astromart" and the data files in "[My Documents]\astromart", notice that the actual location of [Program Files] and [My Documents] depend on your version of Windows and how it is set up.
If you have a version 5, 6 or 7 of AstroMart, you should run the program "convert7to8.exe" directly from the CD.
Start up

Run Windows, select AstroMart in the Startup menu. AstroMart uses the Windows display and print options. If Windows is correctly installed, in principle, you should have no need to change anything.
The page margin options and all the options for the astrology, strictly speaking, have default values which are adapted for normal use. See the chapter Tools/Options if you want to change them

Back up

As your data is stored in "[My Documents]\astromart", it is saved if you make a general backup of your documents, if not copy at least the files charts.adb (your charts) and analysis.adb if you have modified the texts for the interpretations.

Astromart for internet


The AstroMart for Internet package is composed of three parts:
1.Databases on a server. MySQL is set by default, but other database servers are possible. This part cannot be accessed directly from the internet.
2.Compiled programs and their configuration files in the cgi-bin directory of the site. If the /cgi-bin directory is set up correctly, then only the programs can be accessed from the internet.
3.Html template files in the /cgi-text directory. The programs read these files and replace special tags <# > with output.

Note: The program is in constant evolution; if you need a certain function, just ask!


All the following instructions assume that you have direct (console) or telnet access to the hosting computer.

Download and install MySQL from
It does not need to be installed on the same computer or even with the same operating system. Of course, it should be installed on the same local network.

Copy the files dbastro.sql.gz and dbanalysis.sql.gz to a temporary folder then cd to this folder. Gunzip the files:
gunzip *.gz

Run MySQL from the shell. If there are no other users defined, enter;
MySQL -u root

Enter the following from the MySQL prompt:
>create database astro;
>create database analysis;
// to leave MySQL;

From the shell.
MySQL -u root < dbastro.sql
MySQL -u root < dbanalysis.sql
// to populate the databases.

Run MySQL from the shell:
MySQL -u root

Enter all the following from the MySQL prompt (do not enter // and after):
>use MySQL;
>delete from user;
// this deletes all users!!
>grant all privileges on *.* to 'user'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
// this creates a super user, replace "user" and "password" with your values. See 7.30 in the MySQL documentation for detail about "grant";

>grant select on astro.* to ''@'localhost';
>grant select on astro.* to '%'@'localhost';
>grant select on analysis.* to ''@'localhost';
>grant select on analysis.* to '%'@'localhost';
// this gives select (read) access for astro and analysis databases to all user names (%) and empty names ('') on localhost. If MySQL is not on the same computer as the software, you need to replace 'localhost' with the name or IP of the computer.
If other users will edit the databases, you will need to grant them the appropriate privileges.
>flush privileges;

If all works well, you can delete the files from the temporary folder.

Installing the software

Note: gz mais be replaced by zip is some packages.
Copy the the file program.tar.gz in the "program root" of your server, ie the folder just above the site in the tree and containing the folder "htdocs". This folder is not accessible from the web.

Do as follows:
$ tar -xvzf program.tar.gz
This unpacks the basic files. Notice that the program files are links to programs in the program root cgi-bin folder. This has several advantages: the visitors to the sites can never access the actual programs and you can change the links to update the programs.
You may have to do a "chmod 755" on the programs. Go to htdocs/cgi-bin and run the links from the command line $./astro
to check that they work. "astro" outputs a html message and "graphic" should display an error graphic. You may well get an error message saying that a library is not found (libgd, libmysqlclient, libfreetype, ...). Install the appropriate libraries and check that they are visible for the program. You may need to put links from /usr/local/lib to /usr/lib. If you have chroot’ed the server, put a link to the lib folder in the new root location.


astro : version 3 of the software
graphic : on-the-fly graphics
astro.cfg, planets.cfg : configuration file for all the programs
astrom.ttf, serif.ttf, sans.ttf : true type fonts for the graphics
en.txt, de.txt, ... : language files


Birth chart
You and your love with birth place and time
You and your love
Your stars today - horoscope with birth place and time
Your stars today - horoscope
The next page
See also for more links.

In these links
/cgi-bin/astro is the program
/natal is the function requested

You can add on several parameters such as
lang=en or fr, de, etc
dformat=0 (USA) 1 (Europe)
user : local user name for logging into the databases, etc.
ssi=true suppresses the html headers
database, table : local database and table for analysis texts
member : member username in the chart database
index : index in the chart database
recalc : recalculate the member data
zone time zone for the "now" service
incdate now+1
planet : only for the 'planetinfo" service

The following parameters are usually supplied by <#input > or <#hidden > tags
name, firstname, sex, birthplace, country, state, city, citylist, adjust, lt, lat, lg, long date, date2, time, time2, hour, hour2, d1year, d2year, d1month, d2month, d1day, d2day, d1hour, d2hour, d1min, d2min nohouses

The program "graphic" is usually called by "astro" in the <#image> tags.
The font files astrom.ttf, serif.ttf, sans.ttf are used by "graphic". You can copy other fonts to the same name to change the display.

The language files correspond to the parameter "lang", i.e. if you specify lang=it, then the programs use "it.txt" (Italian).

Template files

You can also specify a template file other than the default. If the function name exceeds the minimal name for calling the command, then the program tries to open a html file set (display file and dialog file starting with "d"). The minimal command names are "natal, comp2, comp2f, compd, compdf, page, prev, trans, now". Thus "/cgi-bin/astro/compdf001" will try to open the pair of files "/cgi-text/compf001.html" for display and "/cgi-text/dcompf001.html" for dialog.

In all these cases, you can also prepend the internet language string, i.e. if the language is "lang=de", then
"/cgi-bin/astro/compdf001" will open the pair of files "/cgi-text/de_compf001.html" for display and "/cgi-text/de_dcompf001.html" if they exist. The default file "/cgi-text/compf001.html" must still exist and will be used if the specific files are missing..

Note the command "page". It loads a page assuming that all data is correct. You can use it with the <#link > tag to spread the output over several pages, ie
<#link href="" value="Graphic">
<#link href="" value="Analysis">
<#link href="" value="Whatever">


This file lets you set default options for the programs, you do not need to edit it unless you want to change a parameter. All settings have default values that work well in most cases. For example

;This is a comment

[global]        ; Global options
user=frank      ;
;host=localhost  ;
password=    ; Needed to connect to your database
database=    ;  If you have installed a different database
chartdb ; user charts
language=tr   ; Default language: en, fr, etc.
showsymbol=true ; abbreviation or glyphs
showdegree=false ; show degrees next to the glyph
transparent=false ; background is transparent or opaque
startgraphic=1 ; 0 (Aries) or 1 (Ascendant)

[comp2f]   ; Options for fast love compare
database=    ;  To override global if you have installed a different database

[compdf]   ; Options for fast transits
;user=bill      ;  commented out

[prev]   ; Options for previsions
The options in the [global] section apply but can be overridden by setting new options in a sub-section. "user", "host" and "password" are used to access your database ("astro" for the basic data and "analysis" by default for the interpretation texts). If not given, the default values are :
implying that any user on the local host has read access to the databases.
"database" specifies a database other than "analysis" for the interpretation texts.
"language" sets the default language, for example "language=fr" will cause everything to be displayed in French unless the parameter "lang" is passed to the programs.
"dformat" is the default format for dates: 0 = mm/dd/yyyy, 1 = dd/mm/yyyy, 2 = yyyy/mm/dd
timezone is the default time zone used by certain functions (now).

Template files

Setting up the input html pages

These files are used by default and must be supplied as the programs uses them in case of error. The files with "d" prefixed are used for the dialog, the other is used for output

ddefault.html, default.html are displayed in case of error such as bad or missing function or a user trying to tweak the program.
dnatal.html is for the birth chart
dcompdf.html is for the fast horoscope
dcomp2f.html is for love charts
dprev.html is for previsions

The following tags are used in input pages.

The program converts these tags to <input> tags or to selection lists. All tags are in the format "name=xxx value=xxx" where value depends on the tag's function.

<#input name=langmenu>
This inserts a list for selecting the language. This tag is not used by the calculations and can be omitted if the language is English or if it is specified in "/cgi‑bin/astro.cfg".

<#input name=date>
<#input name=date2>
<#input name=dformat>
These insert edit tags for entering the dates for the birth chart and the second chart if relevant. They use the date format selected by dformat.

<#input name=d1year>
<#input name=d1month>
<#input name=d1day>
<#input name=d2year>
<#input name=d2month>
<#input name=d2day>
These insert lists for entering the dates for the birth chart and the second chart if relevant.

<#input name=time>
<#input name=time2>
These insert edit tags for entering the times for the birth chart and the second chart if relevant.
<#input name=d1hour>
<#input name=d1min>
<#input name=d2hour>
<#input name=d2min>
These insert lists for entering the times for the birth chart and the second chart if relevant.

<#input name=adjust>
This inserts an edit tag for entering the time zone. It is shown only if the program cannot find the time zone automatically.

<#input name=name>
<#input name=firstname>
These tags insert edit tags for entering the name and first name. The name is displayed in the graphics but these tags are not used for the calculations and may be omitted.

<#input name=sex>
This tag inserts a list for selecting the sex. The sex is used in the analysis texts. This tag can be omitted in many cases.

<#input name=nohouses>
This tag inserts a check box for ignoring the time of birth (setting it to 12:00) and houses.

<#input name=housetype>
Sets the house system, 0=Placidus

<#input name=city>
This inserts an edit tag for entering the first letters of the city.

<#input name=citylist>
This inserts an edit tag for list for selecting the city. It is called by the "city" tag and should not be used directly.

<#hidden name=..>
This sends a hidden parameter with the form. This parameter is one of the input parameters. Example <#hidden name=lang> forwards the value of the language parameter, i.e. it adds "lang=.." to the form call.

<#text value=xxx>
This inserts the line number xxx from the current language file, i.e. en.txt, de.txt, fr.txt, etc.

<#include virtual="file location">
This tag includes the contents of the given file in the document. The file location is relative to the document root and should be absolute, i.e. starting with "/".
Example: <#include virtual="/banner/_en_small_1.html"> to include a banner.

Setting up the output html pages

These files are stored in the directory "[My Documents]\astromart\html\cgi-text" or "/cgi-txt" for the internet version, they are used by default and must be supplied as the programs uses them in case of error.

compd.html is for the horoscope
compdf.html is for the fast horoscope
comp2.html is for love charts
comp2f.html is for love charts
default.html is displayed in case of error such as bad or missing function or a user trying to tweak the program
moonret.html is for moon return
natal.html is for the birth chart
now.html is for the "now" function
prev.html is for previsions
prog.html is for progression
trans.html is for transits

You can add your own sets of template files such as natal01.html,natal02.html, etc. These files are used when you choose a the cooresponding template in the "Display" menu.

The following tags are used in output pages. Any additional parameters in the tags are passed through.

<#link href="url" value="Text">

This inserts an anchor with all available parameters appended, additional parameters can be added directly to the url.
Example: <#link href="" value="Click to enlarge graphic">

<#text value=xxx>

This inserts the line number xxx from the current language, see "Utilities/National and Language.


This inserts the normal header information. It takes no parameters.


<#image type="daisy14" showsymbol="true" showdegree="false" transparent="false" startgraphic="1">

This inserts the graphic specified in the type parameter, possible values are
daisy01, daisy02, daisy03, daisy04
daisy11, daisy12, daisy13, daisy14
daisy21, daisy22, daisy23, daisy24
two1, two2, two3, two4
The width parameter specifies the actual width in pixels of the graphic. You can add all the other parameters for a normaltag, but if the height parameter is different from the corresponding width, the graphic will be distorted.
showsymbol set to false, the graphic displays abbreviation in the current language instead of glyphs.
showdegree set to true, displays the position of the point in degrees next to the glyph or text.
transparent changes how the background is displayed, when true the background is transparent, thus the same as the underlying page.
startgraphic can be 0 (Aries) or 1 (Ascendant)
Example : <#image type="daisy14" width="750">


This tag inserts a table. You can use all the parameters for a normal <TABLE> tag. If the type is absent, then the first three types are inserted, otherwise it can be one of the following;
<#table type=planets> inserts the positions of the planets and houses.
<#table type=planetsext> inserts the position of the additional asteroids and points.
<#table type=planethouse> inserts the position of the planets in the houses.
<#table type=signtypes> inserts the table of sign types (earth, fire, etc.).
<#table type=list> inserts a full list of planets with positions, etc.
<#table type=aspects> inserts a table of aspects.
<#table type=values> inserts a table of values.
<#table href=path> provides the base url for tables that produce links, currently only "prev".
Example: <#table type="planets" border="3" cellpadding="5" width="500">


This inserts the interpretation.
<#analysis sort=planet> displays the texts sorted by planet.
<#analysis threshold=100> or <#analysis sort=planet threshold=100> display only the aspects having a worth of more than threshold. For the normal sorting order, the first aspect less than threshold is displayed. This elimates lesser aspects that might confuse the visitor.
<#analysis planet=x> displays only the texts concerning planet=x (houses are numbered 13 to 24).

<#planet number=1> This displays information about a planet in the format "Sun in Aries 24.03". Number can range from 1 to 24 where 13..24 represent houses 1 to 12.
The full format is :
<#planet number=1 lable=true degree=true decimals=2 label=false > removes "Sun in"; degree=false removes "24.03"; decimals=0 displays "24" instead of "24.03"

<#transits period=2 planets=5,6,7,8,9>


<#include virtual="file location">

This tag includes the contents of the given file in the document. The file location is relative to the document root and should be absolute, i.e. starting with "/".
Example: <#include virtual="/banner/_en_small_1.html"> to include a banner.

<#options housetype=2 houseorb=0 housecentered=true zodiac=1>

housecentered : houses are centered on cusps
housetype : 1=Placidus, 2=Campanus, 3=Montroyal, 4=Equal, 5=Koch, 6=Meridian, 7=Morinus, 8=Porphyry, 9=Topocentric, 255= no houses
houseorb : point is in the house when the in the orb before the house cusp
aspecttypes : 1=major, 2=minor, 3=both
zodiac 0=tropical, >0 = sideral
dformat : 0=mm/dd/yyyy, 1=dd/mm/yyyy, 2=yyyy/mm/dd
timezone : +5 for New York, -2 for Paris
database : default database
dbanatable : database for analysis
dbcharts : database for charts
dbuser : login user for database
dbhost : host for database (localhost)
dbpassword : login password
birthplace, country, long, lat : default values for charts and graphics


Only one instance can run

There are two possible reasons for this error:
1) Astromart is already running, maybe iconized, maybe as a different user, maybe crashed. In this case close the other instance of the program or restart the computer if it has crashed.
2) The file "fbclient.dll" cannot be found or cannot be used, check that it is in the same directory as Astromart, or that a non-compatible version of this file is not somewhere on your computer, especially if you have installed the Firebird database software
In this last case, you may have corrupted your data files and should reinstall them.

Glyphs are replaced with letters

By default, the font "AstroMart", contained in the file "astrom.ttf", is used to display the glyphs. Go to the Control panel, then Fonts and check that it is installed correctly. If not, go to the "File" menu in the Font dialog and select "Install new font". Be sure to have it copy the font file.
If you are using a different ttf font for the glyphs, be sure it is installed and that the character mapping is correct. Check this in "Utilities/Chart setup", click on the "Setup" button in the dialog box.

Problems printing graphics

First, go to "Tools/Preferences", tab "Prefences".

Lines disappear

- Your printer is a laser or you have a black cartridge: check "B/W Printer"
- The resolution is too great compared to the line size, increase "Print +". Many printers cannot print all colors in the highest nominal resolution, and this causes colors of these colors to disappear.

Glyphs are the wrong size

Adjust the value in "Print char".